-- tmid - 412 -- Your function definition begins here function tm_sband_get_tm_all(buffer, pinfo, tree, sband_get_tm_all, offset, instance) -- Define ProtoFields for s_sband_cmn_tm local f_cnt = ProtoField.uint64("sband_get_tm_all.cnt", "Count", base.DEC) local f_timestamp2 = ProtoField.uint64("sband_get_tm_all.timestamp2", "Timestamp", base.DEC) local f_temp_mcu = ProtoField.uint32("sband_get_tm_all.temp_mcu", "Temp MCU", base.DEC) local f_temp_fpga = ProtoField.uint32("sband_get_tm_all.temp_fpga", "Temp FPGA", base.DEC) local f_temp_xcvr = ProtoField.uint32("sband_get_tm_all.temp_xcvr", "Temp XCVR", base.DEC) local f_volt_vint = ProtoField.double("sband_get_tm_all.volt_vint", "Volt Vint", base.DEC) local f_volt_vaux = ProtoField.double("sband_get_tm_all.volt_vaux", "Volt Vaux", base.DEC) local f_volt_vbram = ProtoField.double("sband_get_tm_all.volt_vbram", "Volt Vbram", base.DEC) local f_volt_vpint = ProtoField.double("sband_get_tm_all.volt_vpint", "Volt Vpint", base.DEC) local f_volt_vpaux = ProtoField.double("sband_get_tm_all.volt_vpaux", "Volt Vpaux", base.DEC) local f_volt_vpdro = ProtoField.double("sband_get_tm_all.volt_vpdro", "Volt Vpdro", base.DEC) --local f_resv_chnl = ProtoField.uint8("sband_get_tm_all.resv_cgnl", "resvchnl", base.DEC) -- Define ProtoFields for s_sband_rx_tm local f_rx_cfg_frames = ProtoField.uint32("sband_get_tm_all.rx_cfg_frames", "RX Config Frames", base.DEC) local f_rx_cfg_detected = ProtoField.uint32("sband_get_tm_all.rx_cfg_detected", "RX Config Detected", base.DEC) local f_rx_cfg_rssi = ProtoField.float("sband_get_tm_all.rx_cfg_rssi", "RX Config RSSI", base.DEC) local f_rx_avg_rssi = ProtoField.float("sband_get_tm_all.rx_avg_rssi", "RX Average RSSI", base.DEC) local f_rx_cfg_freqerr = ProtoField.int32("sband_get_tm_all.rx_cfg_freqerr", "RX Config Frequency Error", base.DEC) local f_rx_cfg_carrier_lock = ProtoField.uint32("sband_get_tm_all.rx_cfg_carrier_lock", "RX Carrier Lock", base.DEC) local f_rx_frame_lock = ProtoField.uint32("sband_get_tm_all.rx_frame_lock", "RX Frame Lock", base.DEC) local f_rx_sir_min = ProtoField.uint32("sband_get_tm_all.rx_sir_min", "RX SIR Min", base.DEC) local f_rx_sir_max = ProtoField.uint32("sband_get_tm_all.rx_sir_max", "RX SIR Max", base.DEC) local f_rx_bch_block_cnt = ProtoField.uint32("sband_get_tm_all.rx_bch_block_cnt", "RX BCH Block Count", base.DEC) local f_rx_bch_err_cnt = ProtoField.uint32("sband_get_tm_all.rx_bch_err_cnt", "RX BCH Error Count", base.DEC) -- Define ProtoFields for s_sband_tx_tm local f_tx_cfg_frames = ProtoField.uint32("sband_get_tm_all.tx_cfg_frames", "TX Config Frames", base.DEC) local f_tx_cfg_pwr_rfl = ProtoField.float("sband_get_tm_all.tx_cfg_pwr_rfl", "TX Power RFL", base.DEC) -- For the main s_sband_periodic_tm structure --local f_cmn_tm = ProtoField.bytes("sband_get_tm_store.cmn_tm", "Common Time", base.HEX) --local f_rx_tm = ProtoField.bytes("sband_get_tm_store.rx_tm", "RX Time", base.HEX) --local f_tx_tm = ProtoField.bytes("sband_get_tm_store.tx_tm", "TX Time", base.HEX) -- Add all fields to the protocol sband_get_tm_all.fields = { f_timestamp2, f_temp_mcu, f_temp_fpga, f_temp_xcvr, f_volt_vint, f_volt_vaux, f_volt_vbram, f_volt_vpint, f_volt_vpaux, f_volt_vpdro, f_rx_cfg_frames, f_rx_cfg_detected, f_rx_cfg_rssi, f_rx_avg_rssi, f_rx_cfg_freqerr, f_rx_cfg_carrier_lock, f_rx_frame_lock, f_rx_sir_min, f_rx_sir_max, f_rx_bch_block_cnt, f_rx_bch_err_cnt, f_tx_cfg_frames, f_tx_cfg_pwr_rfl } local subtree1 = tree:add(sband_get_tm_all, buffer(), "TM SBAND GET TM STORE") subtree1:add(f_temp_mcu, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for int32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_temp_fpga, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for int32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_temp_xcvr, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for int32 offset = offset + 4 local data = buffer(offset, 8):le_float() -- First 4 bytes for z_vel subtree1:add(f_volt_vint, data ):set_text(string.format("Volt Vint: %.6f ", data)) offset = offset + 8 data = buffer(offset, 8):le_float() -- First 4 bytes for z_vel subtree1:add(f_volt_vaux, data):set_text(string.format("Volt Vaux: %.6f ", data)) offset = offset + 8 data = buffer(offset, 8):le_float() -- First 4 bytes for z_vel subtree1:add(f_volt_vbram, data ):set_text(string.format("Volt Vbram: %.6f ", data)) offset = offset + 8 data = buffer(offset, 8):le_float() -- First 4 bytes for z_vel subtree1:add(f_volt_vpint, data ):set_text(string.format("Volt Vpint: %.6f ", data)) offset = offset + 8 data = buffer(offset, 8):le_float() -- First 4 bytes for z_vel subtree1:add(f_volt_vpaux, data ):set_text(string.format("Volt Vpaux: %.6f ", data)) offset = offset + 8 data = buffer(offset, 8):le_float() -- First 4 bytes for z_vel subtree1:add(f_volt_vpdro, data ):set_text(string.format("Volt Vpdro: %.6f ", data)) offset = offset + 8 -- Dissect the s_sband_rx_tm structure -- Handle the RX structure print("Recv chnl : 1") subtree1:add(f_rx_cfg_frames, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_cfg_detected, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_cfg_rssi, buffer(offset, 4):le_float()):set_text(string.format("Rx Cfg Rssi: %.6f ", buffer(offset, 4):le_float())) -- 4bytes for float(f32) offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_avg_rssi, buffer(offset, 4):le_float()) :set_text(string.format("Rx avg Rssi: %.6f ", buffer(offset, 4):le_float()))-- 4bytes for float (f32) offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_cfg_freqerr, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for int32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_cfg_carrier_lock, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_frame_lock, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_sir_min, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_sir_max, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_bch_block_cnt, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_bch_err_cnt, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 --subtree1:add(f_recv_chnl,2) -- 4 bytes for uint32 print("Recv chnl - 2") subtree1:add(f_rx_cfg_frames, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_cfg_detected, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_cfg_rssi, buffer(offset, 4):le_float()):set_text(string.format("Rx Cfg Rssi: %.6f ", buffer(offset, 4):le_float()))--4 bytes for float (f32) offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_avg_rssi, buffer(offset, 4):le_float()):set_text(string.format("Rx Avg Rssi: %.6f ", buffer(offset, 4):le_float()))-- 4 bytes for float (f32) offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_cfg_freqerr, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for int32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_cfg_carrier_lock, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_frame_lock, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_sir_min, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_sir_max, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_bch_block_cnt, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_rx_bch_err_cnt, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 --Dissect the s_sband_tx_tm structure subtree1:add(f_tx_cfg_frames, buffer(offset, 4):le_uint()) -- 4 bytes for uint32 offset = offset + 4 subtree1:add(f_tx_cfg_pwr_rfl, buffer(offset, 4):le_float()) -- 4 bytes for float (f32) offset = offset + 4 end -- This closes the function `sband_dissectors`